Labels:text | screenshot OCR: Features Snakes of Louisiana - Over 200 photographs depicting native Louisiana snakes -------- ------ · Over 30 video clips showing ----- --- ------- different behavior on Louisiana ------- ------ ------ 9 --------- --------- --------- ------- snakes --------- ----------- ---- - Audio button for correct scientific Previous Video and common name pronunciation - Information on how to avoid and what to do in case of snakebite - Print out feature · Distribution map for location of each Louisiana snake - List of the snake species found in each parish System Requirements -IBM PC Pentium 75 or greater -16 mb of RAM Windows 95 or 98 Front cover photograph , copyright CC Lockwood: - CD drive 8X or better Texas Rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri) - Printer connected to LPT-1 eating wood duck egg port (for snake print outs) Made In Canada